The world right now - it’s quite something, isn’t it?
It’s hard to recognize the world we once knew, and even harder to see the world which will emerge from all this. And that can be very uncomfortable. There’s a tendency to hunker down, to hold onto all we do have, to cling mercilessly to the old ways.
This likely doesn’t help, I’m guessing.
The guides tell me that this is the muddy middle, that we will get through it just as the human race has come through all manner of things, for millenia. That’s comforting, some days, and mildly terrifying on others so I ask for more guidance and this is what I get: become the person, the human being, you came to be. Just that and all of that. Simple and complicated, isn’t it?
And yet here we are. Can’t go over it, can’t go under it so we must go through it and the best way I know to do that is to be kind. To ourselves, to each other and to the world.
So here is a little permission slip I’ve downloaded from my wise squad to help you do just that. To help you be kind to yourself and to the others you encounter along your way. Hope it serves you well.
You, lovely human, have full permission and great encouragement to:
The human organism requires far more rest than you all allow yourselves these days. Sleep, yes, and plenty of it but beyond that? Restful practices, safe places to meander, the arms of a loved one. Let those immense brains of yours take a break and do something that does not require recharging with a USB device. Let go of all those thoughts with the word “should” in them and allow your heart to run things for a while. And listen. We cannot communicate with a fast moving train .Humans are living their lifes at a completely inhuman pace and no one, certainly not those who seek to hold all the power, will tell you to stop. Only you can do that for yourselves. And you must to it often.
Find a place, whether physical or mental, where you cannot be disturbed. Nature is ideal for this, of course, and provides nooks and crannies for all of you if you take the time to seek them out. Yes, all of you have been rather tough on old Mama Nature yet there are still relatively unspoiled spots if you look. Give her a break and she will regenerate well. Meditation is a portable still space, and the more you practice it, the more that space expands. Yoga has sort of been taken over by the bigger, better, faster committee and those leggings aren’t really great for your health anyway, but if you can stick to the basics, it will give both your body and mind a way to stretch beautifully. Even those automotive devices can be a good way to be on your own. None of you were meant to interact with other human beings 24/7 unless they are the very young ones. Even they take naps though.
It seems that the human race has taken this food thing far beyond its original intention. Food is fuel, simply put, and yes you need to nourish your body. But not all day long. And also not by starving yourselves. Moderation, lovelies, will serve you well in more ways than you can imagine. And perhaps if you are not sourcing, preparing and eating food constantly, you can feed yourselves in other ways. While that meat suit of a body you are contained in has needs, so does your mind and soul. Many of you also feed those brains of yours in an excessive way – you were not built to plug into the Knowledge of All Times by pressing a button or two. We wonder about maximum brain capacity and the long term effects of knowing far more than the original design allowed for. So that leaves your soul, which is really the everlasting part of your design. And your soul’s desires are limitless, often based on finding joy and easily created. Art, music, creating of any kind (especially with your hands versus devices) holds joy. Laughter is far more essential than most seem to remember. So is the very simple act of breathing. Tend to your soul and it will fuel you in ways no cheeseburger ever could.
Once fed, your soul will bring things to life in a way that only you can. You are, after all, a unique expression of the divine, come to play this game of being human on Earth. The point, one that is often ignored in the average human, is to bring your own extraordinary self out into the open and share that light with others. It stuns us, how this very simple directive has become a lost art to many. You don’t need to paint the ceiling of a massive house of worship or dance on a public stage, not at all. Just feed yourself and then take the resulting energy created and bring it to those around you. You don’t have to bring it to the masses, just those you call family and friends, neighbours and acquaintances. Better to light up a small circle than keep yourself in the dark forever, yes? How you choose to do this is entirely up to you. There are many beautifully human practices which seem to have fallen away – arranging flowers, writing love songs, even cutting the peel of an apple in one perfect coil. Whatever floats your boat is best, always.
Human beings were never meant to be perfect. Indeed, the whole purpose of being human on this planet is to learn and grow and the only way to do that is to stumble and falter. If you doubt us, watch a baby learning to pull themselves up to standing, or even learning to walk. There are multitudinous attempts, many of them ending up flat on the floor, but do they give up? Never. You all could learn a lot by spending more time observing your young. Or even animals. When your dog runs full speed into a glass door after spotting a squirrel, it will just shake itself off and carry on whining until someone with opposing thumbs opens that door, allowing access to the squirrels. Ever seen a monkey give up on getting what they want? Never. So do that. Figure out what you want to learn, to experience and go do it – whether it be juggling or falling in love. Do it all, and do not do it so well. Just have fun trying.
As best we can tell, the majority of you have a tendency to carry so much with you throughout life. To be honest, we do not understand this. You are not a marsupial, after all. You have two arms and two legs and a strong back – that should be sufficient to carry what you need. And yet, so many human beings hold on to things, to places and even to people in a way that seriously hampers your ability to grow. Somewhere along the line, this has gotten out of hand – no pun intended. It is only natural and right for you to leave the place you were born, at least temporarily, and explore your world a bit. It is, after all, quite vast and full of those learning experiences you need. Perhaps if you did venture out more, you would lose this sense of separateness and stop othering those who are different than you. Those in power have long used fear to keep people in their place – literally and figuratively – and it mystifies us that so few have come to realise this. Only you can set yourselves free, no one is going to kick you out of the nest. And you can always return, so why not? And if you do decide to change your place of residence, whether literally or figuratively, it is perfectly alright to let go of the people you outgrow in that process or reconfigure your relationship to them. We hope you will allow yourself to see that in order to grow, the impetus must come from within. It comes from your soul, which knows what you signed up for when you agreed to the adventure of being human. And if you listen to the voices of others and retain every belief you’re introduced to, over time all of it will keep you so weighed down that you will slowly slow down and stop entirely.
So let us give you permission now and for all time to be you. To rest, grow, consume, express, falter and let go of whatever doesn’t serve you and the precious life you came to live. We’ll be delighting in watching you light up this world, always.
You can find my video chats on this and other things on my YouTube channel or on Tiktok and IG - @christalight.
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